Woody Wood Duck

Woody Wood Duck
Helping Out

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Get Texts from Woody

Please Text Woody to 41411 to find out what is happening at Century College. The texts will emphasize events students would find interesting to attend. Events couls include: guest speakers, food, concerts, events, food, special sales at the bookstore, registration, tuition payments, food...you get the idea.

I read this about QR Code Readers: "The reader usually has little impact on scannability. If your phone
camera doesn’t have auto-focus or a 4-megapixel resolution, it will have a tougher time scanning.  Different handsets have different app thresholds."

Century Theatre presents The Seagull by Anton Chekov

Our spring mainstage play opens this week! Please consider printing the attached flyer to pass around class or make an announcement to your students. In addition to the times and dates below, we have a free preview open to everyone on Thursday, 4/14 at 7:30 PM. Please arrive at 7:15 to find a seat before showtime. The run time is approximately 2 hours and 20 minutes, which includes a 15 minute intermission.

The actors have created a wonderful acting ensemble for this show. The costumes are sumptuous and styled after the first decade of the 1900s. The scenery first shows a play within a play, in front of a moonlit lake, and then magically transforms to a country house with garden and interior rooms.

Please see the actors and crew members names below. They will be in dress rehearsals and performances all this week during the evenings. Please excuse them from evening classes, as this is a college-sponsored activity. (They are responsible for arranging makeup work ahead of time with faculty.) Please let me know if you have questions or concerns.See you in the theatre!

Roberta Cullen

Century Theatre presents The Seagull by Anton Chekov
Century students and theatre professionals present this riveting portrait of a theatre family at the turn of the 1900s. Arkadina, mother and fading actress in her middle years, brings her novelist boyfriend, the famous Trigorin, home to the country estate of her brother for a visit. Tensions erupt when Constantine, her grown son and an aspiring playwright, grows jealous over his mother’s attention to Trigorin, and Trigorin’s attention to Nina, whom Constantine loves. Nina is in love with the theatre and falls for the sophisticated author, Trigorin. Arkadina manages to keep Trigorin for herself (barely), but Trigorin persuades Nina to follow him to Moscow in secret. Two years later we see the changes time as wrought within this circle of family and friends. Constantine is still struggling for recognition and is still desperately in love with Nina. We learn that Trigorin left Nina after an affair. All the family and friends are gathered to pass the time on a stormy evening. Nina comes to the house like a lost “seagull” for a final rendezvous with Constantine and the home and people she used to love.
This emotionally charged exploration of lovers and artists is presented in an updated translation by Tom Stoppard (author of Shakespeare in Love,  Rock and Roll and many other plays and screenplays).
The Seagull is presented April 15, 16, 22, 23 at 7:30 p.m. and April 17 at 2 p.m. Tickets available one hour before showtime in the Theatre Lobby. Century Students are free with Century I.D. Patrons 17 and younger are free. Patrons 18 years and older are $8. Seniors and Century staff are $5. This performance will be enjoyed best by older children and adults


Character                                                                                     Student Name

Konstantin................................................................ Steven Hoff
Nina................................................................. Kiersten Carlson
Arkadina......................................................... Stephanie Shively
Sorin.......................................................................... Tim Habas
Trigorin............................................................. Robert Hacecky
Masha............................................................... Myranda Beckman
Medvedenko............................................................. Erik Shelter
Polina............................................................ Jenna Dickhausen
Dorn.................................................................... John McCallum
Shamraev.............................................................. Cameron Obert
Yakov.................................................................... Glen Geppert
Maids ..................................................................... Faith Wagner
                                                                              Jodi Brockel

Puppeteer................................................................. Megan Matta

Stage Manager
Chelsea Behrendt

Assistant Stage Manager
Megan Matta

Scenery and Property Running
Jamie Jaackson, Lorren Schweppe

Light Board Operator
Katey Donlon Berg

Sound Board Operator
Dashay Baker

Wardrobe Running
Jazmin Ramirez

House Management
Kelly Bienek, Sean Dooley

Ticket Office Manager
Katherine Fluegel

Monday, April 11, 2011

Asian Awareness Week Events

Monday, April 11, 2011
Asian Activities Day
“The Nest” West Campus
11am -­ 1pm
Games from Asia
Ping Pong
(Just to name a few)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Traditional Hmong Day
“The Nest” West Campus
11am -­ 1pm
Wear your traditional clothes!
Traditional Ball toss game
Information on Hmong

Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Cambodian/Indonesian Day
“The Nest” West Campus
11am -­ 1pm
Learn the Indonesian language
Quiz: How Indonesian are you?
Map and information on Indonesian
Religion: Buddhism
Martial Arts – Pradal Serey (kickboxing)
Map and information on Cambodia

Thursday, April 14, 2011
Information on Asian Countries
“The Nest” West Campus
11am -­ 1pm

Friday, April 15, 2001
Asian Cultural Awareness Day
(Main Event)
Lincoln Mall -­ East Campus
12pm ­ 4pm

Asian Countries Noted in Performances
Minnesota Bright Star Dance Group (Hmong)
CAAM Chinese Dance Theater (Chinese)
Mu Performing Arts/Mu Daiko Drummers (Korean)
San Sei Yonsei Kai (Japanese)
Ha Family Entertainment/Dragon Dance
Student performances

Friday, April 22, 2011
Black Student Association African Night
“The Nest” West Campus
6:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Food, music, and student performances

Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Performance: Mixed Blood Theater Group play called “Minnecanos”
“The Nest” West Campus
12:00 noon – 1:00 pm

Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Festival of Nations
 “The Nest” West Campus
10:30 am to 2:00 pm
Performances and presentations by Century College students
and local dance companies.
India – Dance Company  
Middle East - Dance Company
Salsa dancing – Spanish Club
Information about countries, food, fun, and music! 
Come out and join the fun!

Friday, April 29, 2011
Asian Alumni Celebration
Lincoln Mall East Campus
6:00 pm -10:00 pm

Thursday, May 5, 2011
Cinco De Mayo Celebration
The “Nest”
11:00 am – 12:00 noon
Aztec Dance Company
Food, musical performance