Woody Wood Duck

Woody Wood Duck
Helping Out

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Welcome Week Fall 2011

Come celebrate Welcome Week 2011
Paint the Town Orange!
** All events are free to employees and student unless otherwise noted**

Monday- Main Commons
Orange Julius
Orange Ice Cream Treats
Wishing Well Ceremony

Tuesday- Library Commons
Nacho Bar
Vendor Fair
Cheese Treats (cheese balls, Cheese Its)

Wednesday- Outside Main Commons
Activities Fair
Shawn Vaughan performing
**$2.00 for staff and faculty**

Wednesday, Main Commons
Clubs and Subs

Thursday, West Backyard
11:30am-1:30pm- Spirit Day
Kentucky Fried Chicken Lunch
Trail Mix on the Wood Duck Trail
CC Athletes serving food
**$2.00 for staff and faculty**

Friday, The Nest
Build Your Own Sundae
Orange Candy Bar

Please come out and celebrate this awesome time of year!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Student Newsletter August 16, 2011

Student E-mail

We would like to announce that we have exciting leadership opportunities for Century College students through the Computer Forensics De-Hackers Club which are available to any current Century College students.  The De-Hackers Club strives to help students network with each other and provide opportunities to participate with local organizations which may assist them with networking opportunities in the professional community.  Pursuing leadership opportunities while at Century College allow you to supplement your resume experience which could make the difference between you and another applicant in your job pursuits. 

Please submit a Letter of Intent to the De-Hackers Club email address dehackers.century@live.com no later than Monday, September 12, 2011 if you would like to be nominated for any of the Officer positions listed below for the upcoming 2011-2012 academic school year.

The duties of 
President are as follows:
·         Provides leadership and overall direction for the campus chapter.
·         Leads all official meetings conducted by the chapter.
·         Calls meetings to order and adjournment.
·         Votes only to break a tie.
·         Develops chapter goals with the assistant of Executive Board and Chapter Advisor.
·         Represents chapter at all local, regional and national events hosted or attended by the chapter.
·         Appoints and establishes committees when necessary.
·         Prepares agendas for all meetings.
·         Acts as consul between the college officials and the chapter Executive Board.
·         Serves as Student Senate Representative in the absence of the chapter Treasurer
·         Maintains an accurate account of information to pass on to the incoming President.

The duties of  Vice President are as follows:
·         Chairs all official meetings conducted in the President's absence.
·         Calls meetings to order and adjournment in the absence of the President.
·         Assists the President in developing the chapter goals.
·         Ensures that all meetings are conducted in the spirit of "Roberts Rules of Order".
·         Assists other officer positions in need of additional assistance.
·         Acts as Century College Computer Forensics Advisory Board Representative
·         Serves as Student Senate Representative in the absence of the chapter Treasurer
·         Maintains an accurate account of information to pass on to the incoming Vice President.

The duties of Secretary are as follows:
·         Dictate and distributes all chapter meeting minutes.
·         Maintains membership records.
·         Prepare and maintain an Executive contact information list.
·         Conducts correspondence with members and relevant others.
·         Issues announcements at all meetings.
·         Maintains a historical record of the campus chapter.
·         Maintains an accurate account of information to pass on to the incoming Secretary.

The duties of  Treasurer are as follows:
·         Orders merchandise and supplies as deemed necessary by the chapter.
·         Updates the Executive Board on all monies received and spent at all Executive Board meetings.
·         Processes the chapter financial books and ensured that they are reconciled each semester.
·         Maintains communication with the business office to ensure smooth fund transactions.
·         Retains and applies all and any incoming deposits.
·         Establishes a check and balance system with the President to ensure that all financial information is entered correctly.
·         Works in collaboration with the Chapter Advisor in regards to all financial aspects of the chapter.
·         Serves as Student Senate Representative.
·         Maintains an accurate account of information to pass on to the incoming Treasurer.

The duties of Director of Communications are as follows:
·         Designs, prints and maintains all chapter postings and fliers.
·         Coordinates and produces the monthly newsletter.
·         Responsible for the updating and maintenance of D2L, Facebook and the website
·         Establishes and maintains a liaison between other clubs and organizations on campus.
·         Maintains an accurate account of information to pass on to the incoming Communications Officer.

Did you take courses at a different school this summer?

Please notify the DARS/Transfer Student Services Office if you earned credits at another institution this summer or if any previous grades have changed.  We want to make sure your Interactive Degree Audit is accurate and up to date.  Check your Interactive Degree Audit Report (DARS) to see if your transfer credit appears. 

If you have credit missing, please contact the DARS and Transfer Student Services Office by emailing DARS@century.edu, calling 651-779-3908, or stopping by W2240.

Student Senate is the voice of students, the bridge between the administration and the student body, advocating for student issues such as food service, parking, registration, and childcare. Get involved – be the voice for students and have your voice heard by applying for the executive position of Student Senate Treasurer or Student Senate Director of Legislation. For a position description, and further details, pick up an application packet at the Student Senate office or obtain a copy on the Student Senate e-folio, under “Forms.” http://century.studentsenate.project.mnscu.edu/index.asp


Yes, there is a Century College Concert Band

If you played in band in high school, then we are looking for you!
The Concert Band has a rich tradition of quality music performance that has been going on for over 40 years. 
We have a full concert band made up of students and community members that is always looking for new students.
The first meeting will be Tuesday, August 23rd at 7:00 in the band room (2045).
You will receive information and audition materials for placement within the band.
I look forward to meeting you, and having you join our group.

Charles R. Preis
Century College Concert Band


Desire2Learn Lab Sessions for Students Begin August 22

Are you prepared for your blended or fully online learning course at Century College this fall?  Attend an on campus Desire2Learn (D2L) computer lab session between August 22 and September 2, 2011 and familiarize yourself with online learning at Century?  D2L is the online software used to deliver online courses at Century College, and becoming an expert user of D2L is a crucial part of being a successful online learner. 
These sessions are free and registration is not required.   Just show up and be ready to learn!

7 – 7:30AM
8 – 8:30AM
11 – 11:30AM
2 – 2:30PM
5 – 5:30PM
8 – 8:30PM
Mon. 8/22/2011
Tue. 8/23/2011
Wed. 8/24/2011
Thu. 5/25/2011
Fri. 8/26/2011
Mon. 8/29/2011
Tue. 8/30/2011
Wed. 8/31/2011
Thu. 9/1/2011
Fri. 9/2/2011
Rooms E1730 and E1733 are computer labs located on the first floor of the Century College east campus. 
Room W3130 is a computer lab located on the third floor of the Century College west campus.


Announcing Auditions for Century Theatre's Fall 2011 Production of: The Diviners, by Jim Leonard, Jr.

The Diviners is a lyrical fable set in idyllic rural America. It's a fascinating yarn that bristles with complex psychological undercurrents and a hint of Greek tragedy. This marvelously theatrical play is the story of a disturbed young man and his friendship with a disenchanted preacher in southern Indiana in the early 1930s. When the boy was much younger, he narrowly escaped drowning. His mother drowned in the same accident trying to save him. These traumatic events left him deathly afraid of water. Ironically, the now childlike and sweet-spirited teenager, Buddy, has developed an uncanny ability to find water for his drought-besieged farm community. When a disillusioned preacher, C.C. Showers, comes to the farm seeking employment and food, a unique bond develops between the troubled but gifted Buddy and a man who represents salvation to some of the more stubborn residents.  C.C. devotes himself to helping Buddy, and his efforts precipitate a dramatic chain of events that involves the entire community. This award-winning drama is sure to transport you and  captivate your imagination!

Auditions will be held: August 30, 31, & September 1 from 7-9:30 p.m. in the West Campus Theatre. Students need attend only one audition date. Stage managers and backstage crew are also needed. No experience necessary.  All registered students are invited to participate. Sign up information will be posted near the Theatre Stage Door, W1050, by the 17th of August. You may also email Roberta Cullen (r.cullen@century.edu) or director Sean Dooley (sean.dooley@century.edu) for further information.


Women’s Softball:

A mandatory meeting will be held on August 29th at 3:00 pm in room 3530 West campus, also any questions contact Coach Horner at 651-331-1550


A reminder that all students applying to the Nursing Program must take a Pre-admission A2 exam PRIOR to the program application deadline (November 1, 2011 for Mobility Track students and February 1, 2012 for Traditional Track students). This is a new admission requirement the upcoming year. Visit http://www.century.edu/futurestudents/programs/nursingexam/default.aspx for more information. Do not delay-take your exam early as space is limited for testing dates.


The Connection now has discounted tickets to the Minnesota State Fair,  Valleyfair, Champions Tennis Challenge, MN Stars, and more ! For more information check us out on the web at http://www.centuryconnection.project.mnscu.edu/ or stop by The Connection on West campus in the Nest.  The Connection is currently open Monday – Thursday from 9:00am – 3:00 pm.

Cindy Barnick
Assistant to Dean of Student Life
Assistant to Dean of Student Services

Century College
3300 Century Avenue North
White Bear Lake, MN  55110
Office Phone:  651-748-2608
Fax Number:   651-747-4053