Woody Wood Duck

Woody Wood Duck
Helping Out

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Hunger Banquet

“Everyone on Earth has the same basic needs; it is only our circumstances—where we live and the culture into which we are born—that differ.  Some are born into relative prosperity and security, while millions, through no choice of their own, are born into poverty.”
            -From the Oxfam America Hunger Banquet

What to Expect: As a participant of the Century College Hunger Banquet, you will draw a ticket which assigns you to a high-, middle-, or low-income tier during the event, based on current socioeconomic statistics.  You will receive a meal according to your income level—filling and nutritious or sparse and simple.  Participating and sharing in a greater dialogue with other Hunger Banquet participants, you will have the opportunity to experience and learn more about what can be done.

How to Register: Interested in the Hunger Banquet?  Sign up at The Connection (W1205) to be one of sixty participants.  Few of you may leave with full stomachs, but all can possess a greater understanding of hunger and poverty—and the motivation to do something to help.

Please join us in our journey to experience and discover the truths and realities of poverty.