Woody Wood Duck

Woody Wood Duck
Helping Out

Thursday, December 8, 2011

4th Annual “Students for a Worthy Cause” showcase event

Once again, we ask: could a Century College student be the next great inspirational speaker?  You are invited to our 4th Annual “Students for a Worthy Cause” showcase event.  On Thursday, Dec. 8th, from 7:00pm-8:30pm, twelve of our Fundamentals of Public Speaking students will be passionately and persuasively advocating on behalf of nonprofit organizations.  Speech presentations will be brilliant, engaging and brief (each student is limited to three minutes).  Each attendee is asked to donate $1.00, if possible, and, after all of the speeches have concluded, the audience will help to determine the winning speech.  We will then donate the collected funds to that nonprofit organization – a gesture that signifies that our students’ voices have the power to directly and positively impact the problems facing our local, national and global communities.  In short, we want all of you (and your friends, family, etc.) there!

Students for a Worthy Cause
Thursday, Dec. 8th
The “Nest”, First Floor of West Campus