Woody Wood Duck

Woody Wood Duck
Helping Out

Monday, December 6, 2010

Student Health 101

Each month, you’ll receive an e-mail with the latest issue of the family-only Parent Perspective, along with the Student Health 101 issue that our students will receive. Please take a few minutes to read the issues each month, as we believe that they can be a valuable resource for you.
You can read the December issue of the Parent Perspective online at http://readsh101.com/century-pp.html.

You’re also invited to read the accompanying Student Health 101 issue for our students, online at http://readsh101.com/century.html.

This December issue has some great articles including:
- A Finals Survival Guide: Make the Grade at Finals Time With Less Stress
- Veterans: Fitting in on Campus
- Maintaining Your Face Value on Facebook
- Your Guide to Indoor and In-Room Workouts
- How to Help a Friend in Crisis
And much more…

And if you missed them – learn what students have to say in the highlights from recent Student Health 101 issues:

From November – tattoos and piercings STI protection, how to turn off and healthy body images at http://readsh101.com/century.html?id=a9e1dcaa.

Thanks for taking the time to read Student Health 101!

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