Woody Wood Duck

Woody Wood Duck
Helping Out

Monday, February 28, 2011

Welcome to the NEST!!!!

Welcome to the NEST!!!!

Student Life is so excited to be in their new space. So excited in fact that we have scheduled oodles of fun activities! We have compiled a list below of some of the events that are going on. Please feel free to share this information and stop by our new home in the Nest.

In case you are not familiar where The Nest is…. It is the new space by the bookstore on West. You can’t miss it!!!! (Just listen for FUN)

Monday, Feb 28th- Friday, March 4-

Table Tennis Tournament 10am-12pm

Monday, Feb 28th- 10:00am- 2:00pm

10:00-12:00pm- Woody’s Tour of the Nest (interactive scavenger hunt).

12:00- 2:00pm Ice Cream Sundaes

We will have prizes for the Tour.

Tuesday, March 1st-

1:00-2:00pm Salsa Dancing

11:30am-1:30pm- Musician Glenn Everton

Free Air Brush Tatoos

Wednesday, March 2nd


Carnival Games

Photos with Woody


African Dancers

Thursday, March 3rd

10:00am- 11:30am- Swing Dance Lesson

11:30am- 1:30pm- Showcase Dancers with Walking Tacos and root beer floats

Friday, March 4th  (The only day of the year that is a command)

10:00am- 12:00pm- Table Tennis Final Four

12:00pm- 2:00pm- Aftergate party with lawn games and BBQ

Monday, March 14


Life-size checkers and chess

Tuesday, March 15


Musician and Century Alum Joel Kachel

Wednesday, March 16


Pizza Party with a Twist

Thursday, March 17

11:30am- run out J

St Patrick’s Day Party

Friday, March 18th


Wii Tournament with Treats

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

All Student Announcements (Tuesday, February 22, 2011)

ANNOUNCEMENTS:  Campus Events, Century News, Upcoming Club Events, and other fun stuff at Century.

EDUCATION – CLASSES – WORKSHOPS:  Upcoming opportunities for students to advance in their education.

DEALS:  Get low cost tickets, and other money saving deals!

CENTURY SPORTS AND RECREATION:  Get the latest updates on not only collegiate teams, but also intramurals, and other on campus activities.

HEALTH & WELLNESS:  Recipes and other healthy information submitted by Century College Wellness Committee.





On Monday, February 14th, a green 1999 Toyota was stolen from the West Campus parking lot.  This vehicle was parked on the north side of the West lot in row “O” and taken at approximately 11:45 am.  On Tuesday, February 15th, another car was stolen from the West lot.  The second stolen vehicle was a red 2000 Honda CRV parked in row “T” toward the north end of the lot.  This theft occurred at approximately 12:10 pm.

Campus security is working with the White Bear Lake Police Department to help identify the suspect and to increase patrols in our parking lots.  The campus community is asked to be especially observant in the parking lots for suspicious activity.  Please contact campus security at 651-747-4000 or White Bear Lake Police at 651-429-8511 if you have any information on these thefts or observe suspicious activity.


Mark Holper

Public Safety Director

Century College



Update on THE NEST: 

Student Services offices will be moving to their new locations through Tuesday, February 22nd .   The Nest will be open for students on Wednesday, February 23rd.

The following offices will be moving:

Student Club Room

The Connection


The Century Newspaper Office

GPS LifePlan


Multi-Cultural Center

Vets Center

If you have any questions in regards to where folks are located, please contact Cindy Barnick at 651-748-2608, or cindy.barnick@century.edu



TIME CHANGE for Multi-Cultural Event:

Note the time for the film has been changed to allow more time for people to see the majority of the film. Also note a change in the date for the Caribbean luncheon which has been rescheduled due to the office moves taking place this week.   

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Freedom Writers: Film preview and presentation (tentative)

This powerful film depicts the challenges faced by a teacher in her efforts to connect with at-risk teens struggling to survive in a California high school in an urban neighborhood.    

10:00 a.m. showing of the Film followed by presentation from Freedom Writers (note time change)

12:00 noon 1:30 p.m. Presentation   

West Campus, Location The “Nest”

(Outside the Multicultural Center)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

African Dance Company

Join us for a dynamic performance by the France Kofi and his troupe of dancers. Mr. Kofi a former master drummer with the Ghana Dance ensemble, will perform an array of traditional drumming and dances which highlight his experiences from Ghana, Togo, Benin, Nigeria, Zimbabwe and other African countries.  

 12:00 noon – 1:30 p.m. West Campus, Location The “Nest” (Outside the Multicultural Center)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Caribbean Luncheon

Stop by the multicultural center to taste some of the best food from the Caribbean!

Cost $2.00

West Campus, Location The “Nest” (Outside the Multicultural Center)

12:00 noon -1:30 p.m.



Give Blood Now to Help

Recover the Blood Supply

American Red Cross

You can help the Red Cross by giving blood now to help the blood supply recover!

With this latest round of severe winter storms, the Red Cross has been unable to collect blood in certain parts of the country, and has been forced to cancel over 750 blood drives and over 28,000 scheduled blood donations since January 1. As a result, in this period blood collections are the lowest we have seen in a decade.

At any given moment patients rely on life-saving blood products. The need is constant - even in emergency situations such as severe weather. The quickest help will come from local blood donors like you, who are able to give now!

The Red Cross urges people who are eligible to schedule an appointment to give blood now. Visit redcrossblood.org now to find a blood drive near you or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).

The Red Cross distributes blood products to approximately 3,000 hospitals and transfusion centers across the United States. People have been responding to the call for blood donors, and the Red Cross is grateful to those who are stepping up to donate blood to help the blood supply recover to sufficient levels.





CENTURY COLLEGE ADMISSIONS Open House:  This is a reminder for the Open House being held tonight from 5-8 p.m. in the West Campus Gymnasium.


Be Well!  Century College is participating in the National Eating Disorders Awareness campaign this month.  Come hear Dr. Jillian Lampert from the Emily Program in the Theater on Wednesday, February 23 at noon.

Consider taking an online screening - go to www.CollegeResponse.org, or come in person for our eating disorders screening on Monday, February 28th.  These in person screenings will be held at the East Health Services (E2232) from 9am-10am or the West Counseling Center (W2410) 9am-1pm.  Be Well!



Transfer Days:

(the following colleges will be visiting Century College in the main commons on West Campus – stop on by!)

2/22 9-1 UW River Falls

3/17 4-7 Concordia Univ

3/29 4-7 Concordia Univ

4/11 2-5 Concordia Univ

4/19 9-1 UW River Falls



Summer classes are now posted on the Web




Century College Admissions
Tuesday, February 22nd from 5 - 8 pm - West Campus Gymnasium

Whether you're a new or returning student, you won't want to miss our Open House in the W. Campus Gym. If you apply that evening, we'll waive the $20 application fee.  Refreshments and Prizes!  Call 651-773-1700 for more information.


ATTENTION:  Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Students!

The Law Enforcement Criminal Justice Club needs some motivated people to step up for President and Vice President for the club.  Please contact Kevin Tuft at lecja.president@gmail.com, or David Enstad at lecja.vp@gmail.com for more information.



Interested in student government?  Please pick up a application form to become Student Senate's new Vice President.  Elections held in the West Cafeteria Conference room on March 2nd at 2:30pm

John Belisle

Student Senate

Director of Communication


The week of February 21-25 is Eating Disorder Awareness Week.

The Health Service is sponsoring a speaker, Dr. Jillian Lampert - on Eating Disorders on Wednesday February 23rd  in the West Campus Theatre from 12:00 – 1:00 PM.

And in conjunction,  Counseling  is conducting an eating disorder screening in the Counseling Center on Monday, February 28th  from 9:00 – 1:00.


Veterans’ Resource Fair will be held on February 23rd  from 10 to 1pm on the West Campus (Main Commons).


Which classes do you need?

Summer and Fall registration is just around the corner.  If you’re wondering which courses you’ll need, check your Interactive Degree Audit Report (DARS).  To do so, go to Century’s e-Services.  Enter your Century student ID and Password, select “Grades and Transcripts” and then select “Interactive Degree Audit.”  Your personalized degree plan is there for you.

If you have questions about your DARS, contact the DARS Office at DARS@century.edu or call 651-779-5767.  You may also view a short video on “How to Read Your Interactive DARS. “

If your major has changed, please contact the Records Office (W2330) so we can update your information. 



Shake it up baby!

Too many windows open on your monitor? Grab the title bar on the window you want to focus on and Shake it. Yeah, that’s it, SHAKE it. All the other windows are minimized. Shake your window again and the rest come back.


The Century Theatre Student Showcase 2011, “The Hero Takes a Fall”  features student performers, directors, and technicians presenting three, short one-act plays, plus fabulous monologues by our acting students!  $2 admission. Our show runs about 90 minutes with intermission. (Seating is up on the stage itself, so please arrive by 7:20 p.m. for greater ease of being seated.)

Performances are February 24, 25, 26, 2011 at 7:30 p.m. in the Century Theatre, West Campus.



Attention students in English 80, English 90, and ESOL 41!  Are you struggling with your grammar?  The English for Speakers of Other Languages department is offering a 1-credit, individualized grammar course beginning on March 13!  In class, you will focus on your specific grammar concerns.  Contact ESOL advocate Chrissy Parenteau at 651-747-4087 with additional questions.   

Directed Grammar Study

ESOL 796.02

Mar 13- May 5

Mondays and Wednesdays, 2:15pm - 3:05pm




     We have relocated the container for the plastic bag recycling  that was located on the 1st floor in the Library/Science building by the coffee shop, to its new location on the 2nd floor in the Science Office Suite(E2820).  The container is next to the other recycle containers in that office suite.  We had to move it due to the large amounts of food and beverages that were being put in there.

     The plastic bags are recycled with a company called “Merrick Inc.”.  They are located in Vadnais Heights.  Merrick Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation, licensed by the Minnesota Department of Human Services as a Day Training and  Habilitation  (DT&H) and Supported Employment Services (SES) provider.  Merrick Inc., employs the handicap and less disadvantaged people.  With our plastic bag recycling, we help them with on the job training, working on a crew, vocational  education, and other many wonderful services.


The container locations are as follows:

East Campus


E2820-Science Office Suite

West Campus

Outside the Bookstore Entrance



Kris Price

General Maintenance Worker

Century College







Tuesday, February 22nd  

9:00-9:50 AM, Learning Styles, E2555 – EducationPlan

Wednesday, February 23rd  

9:00-9:50 AM, Learning Styles, E2555 – EducationPlan

Monday, February 28th  

11:00-11:50 AM, Read It Twice and Still Don’t Get It?, E2555 – EducationPlan

1:00-1:50 PM, Read It Twice and Still Don’t Get It?, W2290 – EducationPlan

5:00-6:00 PM, Certificate in Mastering eFolio-Part Three, W3120 Computer Lab – All Plans

Tuesday, March 1st  

9:00-9:50 AM, Read It Twice and Still Don’t Get It?, E2555 – EducationPlan

11:00-11:50 AM, Math Anxiety, GPS LifePlan Center* - EducationPlan

Wednesday, March 2nd

9:00-9:50 AM, Read It Twice and Still Don’t Get It?, E2555 – EducationPlan

11:00-11:50 AM, Do’s and Don’ts of Transferring to Another Institution, GPS LifePlan Center* – EducationPlan

12:05-12:55 PM, Free Money for College? Century Foundation Scholarships, GPS LifePlan Center* – FinancePlan

Thursday, March 3rd

8:30-9:20 AM, Read It Twice and Still Don’t Get It?, W2270 – EducationPlan

PLEASE NOTE:  This workshop is in W2270 NOT W2560 as stated on the handout.

12:05-12:55 PM, Acing Your Interview, GPS LifePlan Center* - CareerPlan

*Please Note: these workshops will be in the new GPS LifePlan Center located in the lower level of the west campus.

For more information on the GPS LifePlan, please visit the website:  www.gpslifeplan.org/Century

For information on workshop descriptions, upcoming workshops and online workshops, please click here





For the month of February


Phone: 651.779.5756 http://www.century.edu/../../images/shared/spacer_design.gifLocation: E 3361







The Connection has tickets to HAIR!  March 3, 2011 at the Orpheum.  $23 each.  HURRY – we have a limited number – 1st come, 1st serve!




Eating a bowl of oatmeal each morning is the perfect way to start your day off right.  The benefits of oatmeal are due to the fact that it’s made from oats and oats are a good source of both soluble and insoluble fiber.  It has been found that those who eat more oats are less likely to develop heart disease, a disease that is currently widespread in the United States.  But select your oatmeal wisely.  The real stuff is the plain oat flakes from Quaker Oats or a similar brand, not the instant kind that comes in the different flavors – these are full of sugar. 

– Information in this article borrowed from





½ cup Quaker oatmeal

1 cup light vanilla soy milk

1 cup + frozen berries (I use Costco’s mixed berries)

Mix oatmeal and soy milk together and microwave for about 2 minutes.  Let sit.  Heat berries in microwave until warm.  Mix with oatmeal.

As a side to the oatmeal I mix some Egg Starts (Costco’s Egg Beaters) with a little bit of Canola oil and cook.  This adds a little more protein and healthy fat to the breakfast.

Contributed by

Denise Howard—

EMS Faculty



February is American Heart Month: Are You Doing Enough?

Posted by Neil Katz

(CBS News - Health) February is American Hearth month and that means it's a good moment to think about a disease that kills more than 600,000 Americans each year. Heart disease is the leading killer amongst both men and women.

But there's lots we can do to stay heart healthy. According to the CDC, making these healthy lifestyle choices can help:

  • Choose lean meats and poultry without skin and prepare them without added saturated and trans fat.
  • Select fat-free, 1percent  fat, and low-fat dairy products.
  • Cut back on foods containing partially hydrogenated vegetable oils to reduce trans fat in your diet.
  • Cut back on foods high in dietary cholesterol. Aim to eat less than 300 mg of cholesterol each day.
  • Cut back on beverages and foods with added sugars.
  • Select and purchase foods lower in salt/sodium.
  • If you drink alcohol, drink in moderation. That means no more than one drink per day if you're a woman and two drinks per day if you're a man.
  • Keep an eye on your portion sizes.

It's also important to know the signs of an impending heart attack, because they can start slowly and symptoms may seem mild. According to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, these are the signs that may mean a heart attack is in progress.

  • Chest discomfort. Most heart attacks involve discomfort in the center of the chest that lasts more than a few minutes, or that goes away and comes back. It can feel like uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness, or pain.
  • Discomfort in other areas of the upper body. Symptoms can include pain or discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw, or stomach.
  • Shortness of breath. May occur with or without chest discomfort.

  • ClipArt

     Other signs may include breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea, or lightheadedness.

If you have any questions about this e-mail, please contact Cindy Barnick at 651-748-2608

Monday, February 14, 2011

All Student Announcements (Monday, Valentines Day, February 14th, 2010)

Century College
All Student Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS:  Campus Events, Century News, Upcoming Club Events, and other fun stuff at Century.

EDUCATION - CLASSES - WORKSHOPS:  Upcoming opportunities for students to advance in their education.

DEALS:  Get low cost tickets, and other money saving deals!

CENTURY SPORTS AND RECREATION:  Get the latest updates on not only collegiate teams, but also intramurals, and other on campus activities.

HEALTH & WELLNESS:  Recipes and other healthy information submitted by Century College Wellness Committee.



Visiting Minnesota Writers

Novelists David Oppegaard and Geoff Herbach will be visiting Century College on Friday, February 18 from 12-1 pm in W1006.

They will read and speak briefly about what it means to be a Minnesota writer. This will be followed by a brief Q & A and book signing.

Geoff Herbach is the author of The Miracle Letters of T. Rimberg and the forthcoming YA novel Stupid Fast (Scholastic). He also loves writing for performance, co-creating PowderKeg Live! and co-founding The Lit 6 Project, a group dedicated to bringing literary storytelling to broader audiences. Geoff holds an MFA from Hamline University and teaches creative writing at Minnesota State University-Mankato. You can visit him at geoffherbach.com.
David Oppegaard is the author of the Bram Stoker nominated The Suicide Collectors and Wormwood, Nevada. David holds a B.A. in English Literature from St. Olaf College and an M.F.A. in Writing from Hamline University. A finalist for the Indiana Review Fiction Award and the Iowa Fiction Award, David has worked as an optician, a receptionist at the U of MN, a standardized test scorer, a farm hand, an editorial assistant, a trash picker for St. Paul public housing, a library circulation assistant, and as a child minder on a British cruise ship. He currently lives in the Midway area of St. Paul, MN.

Students, staff and faculty are welcome to attend!

If you would like to bring an entire class, have questions or would like more information, contact Beth Mayer at Beth.Mayer@century.edu.

And be sure to check out the Century College bookstore for copies of Wormwood, Nevadaand The Miracle Letters of T. Rimberg.

ATTENTION:  Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Students!
The Law Enforcement Criminal Justice Club needs some motivated people to step up for President and Vice President for the club.  Please contact Kevin Tuft at lecja.president@gmail.com, or David Enstad at lecja.vp@gmail.com for more information.

Pecha Kucha Night at Century College
The Good Soldiers by David Finkel
War:  Bearing Witness
Wednesday, February 16th
7:00 PM
West Campus Theater
Please join us on Wednesday, February 16,
at 7 pm in the West Campus Theater for Century College's second annual Pecha
Kucha Night. The name "Pecha Kucha" comes from the Japanese word for the sound of conversation, and the concept comes from the idea that experts should not be the only people talking about big ideas. We will be hosting a panel of
speakers, including Century staff, faculty and students, with insight on our
experiences with war: each speaker will present 20 PowerPoint slides for 20
seconds each and frame a talk to fit this format. Afterwards, please stay for a
question and answer session, appetizers, and conversation with the panelists.
Event is free and open to the public

Century Scholars Program
·       A financial and academic support program at Century College

What is the Century Scholars Program?

A Scholarship and Academic Support Program for high school students who graduated Spring of 2010 from area high schools, who demonstrate financial need, and are planning on continuing their education at Century this Spring.

What services are offered through the Century Scholars Program?

Century's Scholars Program offers college-bound students the following services:
1.  Scholarships. Up to $1,000.00 tuition scholarship for the first year of college, with the possibility of additional funds the second year. Students receive a minimum scholarship of $250.00.
2.  Academic Support. Includes tutoring services, study groups, educational and career planning.
3.  Activities. Students participate in free activities and build strong, positive partnerships with peers. 

What does the scholarship include?

Students earn up to $1000.00 scholarship for tuition, fees, and application costs. If a student's financial aid (Grants, Scholarships) cover all tuition costs, that student will receive a minimum of $250.00 to cover other college costs, including transportation, books, or any other college materials. Students must meet academic performance measures and maintain academic good standing.  The amount awarded will vary depending on each student's FAFSA award. Students will not find out the exact amount until after the start of Spring semester.

Who can apply for the Century Scholars Program?

Students who demonstrate financial need and graduated from area high schools Spring 2010, including, but not limited to
  • Harding High School
  • Johnson High School
  • Como Park High School
  • Roseville Area High School
  • North St. Paul High School
  • White Bear Lake High School
  • Area Charter Schools
The Century Scholars Program focuses on serving students who identify as one or more of the following:

1)Will be the first in their family to graduate from college,
2)Represent traditionally underserved populations, i.e. students of color, and/or
3)Demonstrate financial need

Through the application process we take into account the student's full story. If a student has questions about eligibility, we encourage them to apply and contact us with any questions.

Scholarships will be awarded as applications are received.
Apply soon to ensure that your application will be taken under consideration.

How to Apply
·       An application has been attached to this email. Fill it out and return to Shawn Moore at Century College. The address can be found on the application.
·       If you are involved with SSS on campus, you can request an application from them.
·       You can find the application online on the Century Webpage at http://www.century.edu/futurestudents/scholarsprogram.aspx. The application can be found on the right side of the page. 
·       Make sure you fill out the application completely and include all requested materials. If you are unable to fully complete the application (Example; no letter of recommendation) please include a note explaining your reasons and turn it in with your application. We want you to apply!


Shawn Moore
Student & Family Events Coordinator
Office: 651.779.3344
Fax: 651.779.3470
Do you want a piece of the Wellness Pie?
Come to 3rd Annual Century College Wellness Fair!
When: Wednesday, February 16th, 2011
Time: 10:00 AM to 2 PM
Where: Century College-West Campus Gym
3300 Century Avenue North, White Bear Lake

Featured Products & Services
· Century Health/Phy Ed Department
· Mental Health Aw areness
· Chemical Dependency Awareness
· Chiropractic & Acupuncture
· Fitness & Nutrition
· Massage & Natural Healing
· Life Coaching
· Get your Blood typed & sign-up for

· Stop by the Wellness table for a *FREE* Granola Bar, while supplies last!
· Stop at the Century Phy Ed department table to find out about our WONDERFUL FITNESS CENTER & other fitness opportunities on Campus!

African American Cuisine, February, 2011
During the month of February, cafeterias on both east and west campus will be serving traditional African American food items.

Thursday, February 17, 2011
Presentation: "The Science of Race" Eric Harmon, faculty member Century College English Department
The Science of Chronicles the history of pseudoscience and its promotion of racist ideas that were aimed at African Americans during and after slavery. The documentary takes a hard look at the origins of notions such as race and racism and how many European scientist championed so-called "scientific data" to justify slavery and a denial of Africans in America the right to membership in the human race.   
11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. West Campus, Room W1420

Friday, February 18, 2011
Black Student Association Dance
Join BSA for evening of food and fun.  Wear your best clothes and be ready to have a good time.
West Cafeteria Commons
7:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.

African American History Display February 22-25, 2011
A display will provide a visually powerful view of the history of African Americans.    
West Campus, The "Nest" (Outside the Multicultural Center)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Caribbean Luncheon (pending) 
Stop by the multicultural center to taste some of the best food from the Caribbean!
Cost $2.00
West Campus, Location The "Nest" (Outside the Multicultural Center)
12:00 noon -1:30 p.m.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Freedom Writers: Film preview and presentation 
This powerful film depicts the challenges faced by a teacher in her efforts to connect with at-risk teens struggling to survive in a California high school in an urban neighborhood.    
11:00 a.m. Brief showing of the Film followed by presentation from Freedom Writers
12:00 noon 1:30 p.m. Presentation by the Freedom Writers 
West Campus, Location The "Nest" (Outside the Multicultural Center)

February, 23 - 26, 2011
Pan African Student Leadership Conference
Students from across the country convene to discuss critical issues confronting African and African America students. For more information call Pan African Conference, Mankato State University, Mankato, MN for more information call 507-389-2914.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011
African Dance Company (pending)
Join us for a dynamic performance by the France Kofi and his troupe of dancers. Mr. Kofi a former master drummer with the Ghana Dance ensemble, will perform an array of traditional drumming and dances which highlight his experiences from Ghana, Togo, Benin, Nigeria, Zimbabwe and other African countries.  
 12:00 noon - 1:30 p.m. West Campus, Location The "Nest" (Outside the Multicultural Center)

Century College Student Life presents its first annual
Wood Duck Club Awards

Who is recognized?
The Wood Duck Awards Program seeks to recognize the accomplishments of Century College student organizations, student leaders, and advisors.  Candidates are nominated by fellow students and advisors under one of our seven leadership awards. 

How can you recognize fellow students?
1.     Submit a nomination for one of the following leadership awards:
o   Outstanding Organization Advisor
o   Outstanding Student Organization
o   Student Leader of the Year
o   Behind-the-Scenes Student Leader of the Year
o   Outstanding Ambassador of the Year
o   Outstanding Program/Event of the Year
o   Wood Duck Spirit Award
2.     Nomination forms are available at The Connection (W1520)
3.     All nominations must be turned into The Connection by: Friday, April 1st, 4pm
4.     Award winners will be invited to and recognized at The Wood Duck Club Awards Banquet on Thursday, April 28th, 2011.

Contact Abby Burkhart
Office of Student Life, 651-747-4015 

Been a while since you have had your teeth cleaned???

Visit the Dental Clinic for a FREE screening!
The Dental Clinic is on EAST Campus, Room E3651 (3rd floor)
Expires March 30, 2011

Veterans' Resource Fair will be held on February 23rd  from 10 to 1pm on the West Campus (Main Commons).


The Century College Foundation's 2011-12 Scholarship Opportunities booklet is now available online at http://www.century.edu/files/foundation/scholarshipopportunities.pdf

The total number of scholarship profiles listed in this year's booklet is 71, which is our biggest year ever!  We are also excited to offer for the first time the following NEW scholarships:

·        Barbara B. & J. Keith MacKenzie Horticulture
·        ESOL Student
·        Harold Johnson
·        Northern Plains Chapter AAOP Orthotic
·        Northern Plains Chapter AAOP Prosthetic
·        Unitarian Universalist Empowerment
·        William J. Nielsen

Hard copies of the booklet will be available on both campuses beginning Monday, January 10, 2011 in the following areas:

East Campus
West Campus
·        Academic Affairs
·        Foundation
·        Library
·        Admissions
·        Counseling/Career Center
·        Financial Aid
·        Fitness Center
·        SSS/TRiO

Student 101

Health Services - EAST Campus, Room E2232 - 651-779-3954

Clinic Hours:  (RN Staffed)
Monday, Tuesday, Friday  8:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Wednesday, Thursday   8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Meet with our On-Site Doctor on Monday's for no charge!  Doctor's hours are from 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM.  Walk-in appointments welcome!
Facebook Videos
We have exciting news for you. The Woodysfans Facebook Fan Page is now sporting videos, and made by our Century students. The videos will be short, colorful, interesting, funny, informative, and about events and things happening at Century. Woody also posts  updates and there is even a "Ask Woody" form (he knows all).
You should become a fan/like at www.facebook.com/Woodysfans and see what else is going on at Century

Monday, February 14th
11:00-11:50 AM, Study Groups-Three Heads are Better Than One, E2555 - EducationPlan
1:00-1:50 PM, Study Groups-Three Heads are Better Than One, W2290 - EducationPlan
5:00-6:00 PM, Certificate in Mastering eFolio-Part Two, W3120 Computer Lab - All Plans

Tuesday, February 15th  
9:00-9:50 AM, Study Groups-Three Heads are Better Than One, E2555 - EducationPlan
11:00-11:50 AM, Writing Your Resumé, W2290 - CareerPlan

Wednesday, February 16th  
9:00-9:50 AM, Study Groups-Three Heads are Better Than One, E2555 - EducationPlan
11:00-11:50 AM, Campus Recreation: Where the Wood Ducks Play!, W2290 - PersonalPlan
12:05-12:55 PM, Procrastination: Understanding and Conquering the Beast, W2290 - EducationPlan

Thursday, February 17th
8:30-9:20 AM, Study Groups-Three Heads are Better Than One, W2270 - EducationPlan
PLEASE NOTE:  This workshop is in W2270 NOT W2560 as stated on the handout.
5:00-5:50 PM, Not too Late to Learn: LinkedIn and Facebook, W2290 - PersonalPlan

Tuesday, February 22nd  
9:00-9:50 AM, Learning Styles, E2555 - EducationPlan

Wednesday, February 23rd  
9:00-9:50 AM, Learning Styles, E2555 - EducationPlan

Monday, February 28th  
11:00-11:50 AM, Read It Twice and Still Don't Get It?, E2555 - EducationPlan
1:00-1:50 PM, Read It Twice and Still Don't Get It?, W2290 - EducationPlan
5:00-6:00 PM, Certificate in Mastering eFolio-Part Three, W3120 Computer Lab - All Plans

Tuesday, March 1st  
9:00-9:50 AM, Read It Twice and Still Don't Get It?, E2555 - EducationPlan
11:00-11:50 AM, Math Anxiety, GPS LifePlan Center* - EducationPlan

Wednesday, March 2nd
9:00-9:50 AM, Read It Twice and Still Don't Get It?, E2555 - EducationPlan
11:00-11:50 AM, Do's and Don'ts of Transferring to Another Institution, GPS LifePlan Center* - EducationPlan
12:05-12:55 PM, Free Money for College? Century Foundation Scholarships, GPS LifePlan Center* - FinancePlan

Thursday, March 3rd
8:30-9:20 AM, Read It Twice and Still Don't Get It?, W2270 - EducationPlan
PLEASE NOTE:  This workshop is in W2270 NOT W2560 as stated on the handout.
12:05-12:55 PM, Acing Your Interview, GPS LifePlan Center* - CareerPlan

*Please Note: these workshops will be in the new GPS LifePlan Center located in the lower level of the west campus.

For more information on the GPS LifePlan, please visit the website:  www.gpslifeplan.org/Century

For information on workshop descriptions, upcoming workshops and online workshops, please click here

For the month of February
Phone: 651.779.5756 Location: E 3361



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Century College | 3300 Century Ave North | White Bear Lake | MN | 55110