Woody Wood Duck

Woody Wood Duck
Helping Out

Monday, March 28, 2011

Annual Pottery Odds ‘n’ Ends sale

Sale sponsored by the Creative Arts Alliance (Century’s Art Club) will have their sale in the Lobby area near Rooms 1006 and 1001 on the West Campus.
Tuesday’s Hours: 11- 2
Wednesday’s Hours:  11-4

Discarded, orphan pots, one-of –a- kind will be selling at garage sale prices.  Slightly blemished glazed works, wall designs and small sculptures are available/ made of high fired stoneware…dishwasher safe and safe to store food in.  There is a wide variety of items from small bowls and mugs to textured trivets... pottery works for storing your pencils and paper clips…small voodoo dolls, odd shaped whatnots…all available for a few coins…most items for less than a dollars.  Arrive early for biggest selection.  Cash only and we appreciate having the correct change.  We have some recycled bags and obsolete tractor feed computer paper to wrap your treasures in.  Cheaper than Wal-Mart!  Help use to clear out our shelves and keep the pots from going into the landfill. Pick up some very unique ceramic  items for just a  few coins.

Funds collected from this sale will be used to buy putty knives, strainers, rolling pins, pizza cutters and other useful kitchen gadgets fro Goodwill and other thrift shops for use by the ceramics student here at Century.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Candidate: Dr. Ron Anderson

Vice President of Academic Affairs and CAO, Century College

Dr. Ron Anderson is the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Chief Academic Officer at Century College. His career in higher education spans 22 years, during which time he has served in senior leadership roles including chief academic officer, chief student affairs officer, and chief financial officer. Dr. Anderson has also taught applied statistics and psychology at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.

As Vice President of Academic Affairs, Dr. Anderson has successfully led numerous college-wide initiatives including the revision of the College’s mission, vision, and values–working closely with all constituent groups to obtain input and feedback throughout the development and adoption process. In partnership with Century College faculty, he also provided leadership to the development of core outcomes for all two-year degree graduates based on input and discussion across all faculty and staff within the College. Most recently, Dr. Anderson has provided leadership and direction to the College’s efforts to improve student success through the development and implementation of its Bridge to Success Program, a comprehensive program based on national promising practices and focusing on improving the experience and success of new entering students. During his tenure in this position, overall credit enrollment has grown 25% (including significant increases in the enrollment of underrepresented and underserved students), online enrollment has increased 99%, STEM enrollments have grown 28%, student success rates have improved, and numerous new and redesigned academic programs have been developed and launched.

Previous to his appointment as Vice President of Academic Affairs, Dr. Anderson held the position of Vice President and Chief Financial Officer at Century College. During his three years in that role he worked diligently to build transparency in budgeting and financial management, and to strengthen the financial health of the College. Under Dr. Anderson’s leadership, key investments in student success innovations, technology, and facility infrastructure were made, and the College’s financial position and fund balance was greatly strengthened. In recognition of this work, he was recently honored with an Outstanding Service Award from the Finance Division of the Office of the Chancellor.

Prior to joining Century College, Dr. Anderson served as Vice Provost and later Vice President of Curriculum, Assessment, and Academic Records at Capella University. While at Capella, he led the initial activities of an innovative collaboration between the University and Augsburg College, through which Augsburg College faculty partnered with Capella to design, build, and deliver a general education program appropriate to the University’s competency-based baccalaureate programs for working adult students. As a result of this partnership, Capella received approval by the Higher Learning Commission to provide full baccalaureate programs.

From 1994 to 2003, Dr. Anderson served at Minneapolis Community and Technical College in progressively responsible positions. Originally appointed as the Director of Research at Minneapolis Community College, he moved to the position of Director of Research and Planning upon consolidation of Minneapolis Community College and Minneapolis Technical College. Dr. Anderson was subsequently appointed Associate Academic Dean, Academic Dean, and finally Associate Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs.
Dr. Anderson holds a doctorate in Educational Psychology with an emphasis in psychometrics and educational evaluation, and a master’s degree in Higher Education–both from the University of Minnesota. He earned his bachelor of arts degree in Psychology from Saint Olaf College, in Northfield, Minnesota. In addition, Dr. Anderson is a graduate of the League of Innovation’s Executive Leadership Institute – Class of

As an active community member, Dr. Anderson has served in leadership roles on his local neighborhood association and has held several leadership roles within his church (including congregational president, audit committee member, and worship leader). Professionally, he has worked to involve the institutions he serves with their local communities through the establishment of active partnerships and board service. Dr. Anderson currently serves on the Tubman Board of Directors, the NorthStar STEM Alliance Governing Board, and the Mounds View School District Curriculum Advisory Committee.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Candidate: Dr. Brad Stewart Vice President and Provost, Montgomery College


Dr. Brad J. Stewart has served as Vice President and Provost of the Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus of Montgomery College since May of 2005. In addition to overseeing all campus operations including numerous capital building projects, he administers the College’s Health Sciences, Learning Communities, and International Education programs. Enrollment has grown substantially during the last five years to over 7,000 students a semester. Much of the increase has occurred in the campus’s signature programs in the health sciences and the visual and performing arts.

From 1999 until 2005, he served as Campus Executive Officer and Dean at the University of Wisconsin at Waukesha, a two-year institution within the University of Wisconsin system. Under his leadership, several capital projects were completed, including extensive renovations of the humanities and physical education buildings and the construction of a biology and field station facility. He partnered with faculty and staff to develop a vibrant academic program, including first year experience programming, undergraduate research, service learning, and learning community initiatives.

Prior to that, Dr. Stewart served as Associate Dean for Academic Advising and Special Programs at the University of St. Thomas (MN) and was a faculty member in the Sociology and Criminal Justice Department. At St. Thomas, he helped to initiate first year student learning communities, a service learning program, and several retention and student support initiatives. Dr. Stewart also served as a professor at the University of North Dakota and at Miami University in Middletown, Ohio.

In 1997, he was selected as an American Council on Education Fellow where he received training in planning, budgeting, enrollment management, human resources, media relations, and campus climate issues. He is also an alumnus of Harvard’s Management Development Program and the City of Waukesha’s Citizen Police Academy. He has published in the areas of juvenile crime prevention, effective pedagogy, and racial and ethnic stereotypes.

Dr. Stewart earned his bachelors of arts in Sociology and English from William Penn College (1978) in Iowa and a master’s degree (1981) and doctorate (1987) from Iowa State University specializing in crime/delinquency and race and ethnic relations.

He currently serves as the secretary/treasurer of the Board of Directors of the Greater Silver Spring Chamber of Commerce and was Board Chair in 2006-2007. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of the Purple Line Now, a mass transit advocacy group, and he serves on the Silver Spring Arts and Entertainment District Advisory Board and the Committee for Montgomery, a county-wide political advocacy organization.

Dr. Stewart and his wife, Leslie, reside in Silver Spring, MD.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

All-Student Announcements (Feb. 28, 2011)

ANNOUNCEMENTS:  Campus Events, Century News, Upcoming Club Events, and other fun stuff at Century.

EDUCATION – CLASSES – WORKSHOPS:  Upcoming opportunities for students to advance in their education.

DEALS:  Get low cost tickets, and other money saving deals!

CENTURY SPORTS AND RECREATION:  Get the latest updates on not only collegiate teams, but also intramurals, and other on campus activities.

HEALTH & WELLNESS:  Recipes and other healthy information submitted by Century College Wellness Committee.



Welcome to the NEST!!!!
Student Life is so excited to be in their new space. So excited in fact that we have scheduled oodles of fun activities! We have compiled a list below of some of the events that are going on. Please feel free to share this information and stop by our new home in the Nest J

The Nest is located in the new area by the bookstore on West Campus.  If you aren’t familiar with West Campus, call Cindy at 651-748-2608 for more details.

Monday, Feb 28th- Friday, March 4-
Table Tennis Tournament 10am-12pm
Monday, Feb 28th- 10:00am- 2:00pm
10:00-12:00pm- Woody’s Tour of the Nest (interactive scavenger hunt).
12:00- 2:00pm Ice Cream Sundaes
We will have prizes for the Tour.
Tuesday, March 1st-
1:00-2:00pm Salsa Dancing
11:30am-1:30pm- Musician Glenn Everton
Free Air Brush Tatoos
Wednesday, March 2nd
Carnival Games
Photos with Woody
African Dancers
Thursday, March 3rd
10:00am- 11:30am- Swing Dance Lesson
11:30am- 1:30pm- Showcase Dancers with Walking Tacos and root beer floats
Friday, March 4th
10:00am- 12:00pm- Table Tennis Final Four
12:00pm- 2:00pm- Aftergate party with lawn games and BBQ
Monday, March 14
Life-size checkers and chess
Tuesday, March 15
Musician and Century Alum Joel Kachel
Wednesday, March 16
Pizza Party with a Twist
Thursday, March 17
11:30am- run out J
St Patrick’s Day Party
Friday, March 18th
Wii Tournament with Treats


Summer classes are now posted on the Web


Interested in having organic veggies and fruits delivered to your home during Minnesota’s growing season?  This is called a CSA – Community Supported Agriculture.  Delivery of a standard-size grocery bag full of assorted veggies and fruits (specific kinds depend on what’s available throughout the growing season) costs about $30 per week for a family of four.  If you have a smaller family, you can choose to share with extended family or perhaps neighbors.  If interested in learning more, please contact Pam Thinesen, Biology Faculty and Campus Sustainability Coordinator, 651-779-3476, pamela.thinesen@century.edu


I am writing to request your help in recruiting volunteers for the city of Stillwater’s flood prevention efforts. We need volunteers primarily to fill sandbags, as well as a few volunteers to help register the other volunteers. Volunteers can sign up for 2.5 hour shifts starting March 8th and continuing for several weeks. We need up to 50 volunteers per shift, and are aiming to fill 100,000 sandbags in order to prevent the St. Croix River from flooding. Volunteers 12 and older are welcome.

Interested volunteers can call Community Thread at 651-439-7434 or elena@communitythreadmn.org


Century College Music Faculty Showcase
Monday, March 21, 2011, at 12:00 p.m. in the West Campus Theatre
Featuring Jocelyn Kalajian, mezzo-soprano, Shannon Loehrke, piano and Alan Johnston, guitar


Hey Students - Beat the Rush!

Now is a great time of the semester for you to make an appointment with a counselor in the Counseling and Career Center.  We want you to conduct your educational planning before the busy registration period begins.  Don’t wait to give consideration to important questions such as:

·        What major will you choose?
·        What college do you want to transfer to after Century College?
·        What classes should you register for next semester? – The Fall and Summer term schedules are online NOW!
·        Learn how to read your DARS (Degree Audit Report)?
·        Are you ready to graduate?

Review your Degree Audit Report (DARS) at www.century.edu/dars.aspx and meet with a counselor as soon as possible.  You can also call (651-779-3285) or stop by any day during our open hours to make an individual appointment or to ask when Quick Stop times are available at the Counseling and Career Center (W2410).


Credits earned through

Fall Semester 2011


Monday, April 4

70+ semester credits


Monday, April 4

60+ semester credits


Tuesday, April 5

50+ semester credits


Tuesday, April 5

40+ semester credits


Wednesday, April 6

30+ semester credits


Wednesday, April 6

20+ semester credits


Thursday, April 7

15+ semester credits


Thursday, April 7

10+ semester credits


Friday, April 8

5+ semester credits


Friday, April 8

1+ semester credits



Did you know Learning Communities are offered at Century? 

·         Find out what other students are saying about learning communities by viewing the You Tube video!

·         We’ve got learning communities offered with Reading 80, Reading 90, and English 1021 classes.

·         Any questions?  Contact Katie Pierre at 651-779-3486 or katie.pierre@century.edu.

·         Check out what classes are coming up this Fall by following this link: http://www.century.edu/currentstudents/learningcommunities/learning.aspx or searching “Learning Communities” on the Century website (www.century.edu).


Interested in student government?  Please pick up a application form to become Student Senate's new Vice President.  Elections held in the West Cafeteria Conference room on March 2nd at 2:30pm

John Belisle
Student Senate
Director of Communication

Which classes do you need?
Summer and Fall registration is just around the corner.  If you’re wondering which courses you’ll need, check your Interactive Degree Audit Report (DARS).  To do so, go to Century’s e-Services.  Enter your Century student ID and Password, select “Grades and Transcripts” and then select “Interactive Degree Audit.”  Your personalized degree plan is there for you.

If you have questions about your DARS, contact the DARS Office at DARS@century.edu or call 651-779-5767. If your major has changed, please contact the Records Office (W2330) so we can update your information. 
Been a while since you have had your teeth cleaned???

Visit the Dental Clinic for a FREE screening!
The Dental Clinic is on EAST Campus, Room E3651 (3rd floor)
Expires March 30, 2011

Health Services – EAST Campus, Room E2232 – 651-779-3954

Clinic Hours:  (RN Staffed)
Monday, Tuesday, Friday  8:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Wednesday, Thursday   8:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Meet with our On-Site Doctor on Monday’s for no charge!  Doctor’s hours are from 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM.  Walk-in appointments welcome!



Monday, February 28th  
11:00-11:50 AM, Read It Twice and Still Don’t Get It?, E2555 – EducationPlan
1:00-1:50 PM, Read It Twice and Still Don’t Get It?, W2290 – EducationPlan
5:00-6:00 PM, Certificate in Mastering eFolio-Part Three, W3120 Computer Lab – All Plans

Tuesday, March 1st  
9:00-9:50 AM, Read It Twice and Still Don’t Get It?, E2555 – EducationPlan
11:00-11:50 AM, Math Anxiety, W2290* - EducationPlan

Wednesday, March 2nd
9:00-9:50 AM, Read It Twice and Still Don’t Get It?, E2555 – EducationPlan
11:00-11:50 AM, Do’s and Don’ts of Transferring to Another Institution, W2290* – EducationPlan
12:05-12:55 PM, Free Money for College? Century Foundation Scholarships, W2290* – FinancePlan

Thursday, March 3rd
8:30-9:20 AM, Read It Twice and Still Don’t Get It?, W2270 – EducationPlan
PLEASE NOTE:  This workshop is in W2270 NOT W2560 as stated on the handout.
12:05-12:55 PM, Acing Your Interview, W2290* - CareerPlan

Spring Break…March 7th – 11th

Monday, March 14th   
11:00-11:50 AM, Tenseless Test Taking for an Objective Test, E2555 – EducationPlan
1:00-1:50 PM, Tenseless Test Taking for an Objective Test, W2290 – EducationPlan

Tuesday, March 15th
9:00-9:50 AM, Tenseless Test Taking for an Objective Test, E2555 – EducationPlan
1:10-2:00 PM, Preparing for Your Job Search, W2290* - CareerPlan

Wednesday, March 16th  
9:00-9:50 AM, Tenseless Test Taking for an Objective Test, E2555 – EducationPlan
11:00-11:50 AM, Texting, The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, W2290* – PersonalPlan

Thursday, March 17th
8:30-9:20 AM, Tenseless Test Taking for an Objective Test, W2270 – EducationPlan
PLEASE NOTE:  This workshop is in W2270 NOT W2560 as stated on the handout.
12:05-12:55 PM, Writing Scholarship Essays, W2290* - CareerPlan

*Please Note: these workshops have moved to W2290 from the GPS LifePlan Center.

For more information on the GPS LifePlan, please visit the website:  www.gpslifeplan.org/Century

For information on workshop descriptions, upcoming workshops and online workshops, please click here



Phone: 651.779.5756 http://www.century.edu/../../images/shared/spacer_design.gifLocation: E 3361




Please call 651-779-5756 to book an appointment!

HAIR tickets are still available for Thursday Evening performance at the Orpheum.  Go to The Connection for tickets.  Limited amount available.



Interested in Soccer???  Call Darren Drumsta for more information:  651-779-5821


Any questions?  Call Cindy Barnick at 748-2608, or send an e-mail to cindy.barnick@century.edu