Woody Wood Duck

Woody Wood Duck
Helping Out

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Candidate: Dr. Brad Stewart Vice President and Provost, Montgomery College


Dr. Brad J. Stewart has served as Vice President and Provost of the Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus of Montgomery College since May of 2005. In addition to overseeing all campus operations including numerous capital building projects, he administers the College’s Health Sciences, Learning Communities, and International Education programs. Enrollment has grown substantially during the last five years to over 7,000 students a semester. Much of the increase has occurred in the campus’s signature programs in the health sciences and the visual and performing arts.

From 1999 until 2005, he served as Campus Executive Officer and Dean at the University of Wisconsin at Waukesha, a two-year institution within the University of Wisconsin system. Under his leadership, several capital projects were completed, including extensive renovations of the humanities and physical education buildings and the construction of a biology and field station facility. He partnered with faculty and staff to develop a vibrant academic program, including first year experience programming, undergraduate research, service learning, and learning community initiatives.

Prior to that, Dr. Stewart served as Associate Dean for Academic Advising and Special Programs at the University of St. Thomas (MN) and was a faculty member in the Sociology and Criminal Justice Department. At St. Thomas, he helped to initiate first year student learning communities, a service learning program, and several retention and student support initiatives. Dr. Stewart also served as a professor at the University of North Dakota and at Miami University in Middletown, Ohio.

In 1997, he was selected as an American Council on Education Fellow where he received training in planning, budgeting, enrollment management, human resources, media relations, and campus climate issues. He is also an alumnus of Harvard’s Management Development Program and the City of Waukesha’s Citizen Police Academy. He has published in the areas of juvenile crime prevention, effective pedagogy, and racial and ethnic stereotypes.

Dr. Stewart earned his bachelors of arts in Sociology and English from William Penn College (1978) in Iowa and a master’s degree (1981) and doctorate (1987) from Iowa State University specializing in crime/delinquency and race and ethnic relations.

He currently serves as the secretary/treasurer of the Board of Directors of the Greater Silver Spring Chamber of Commerce and was Board Chair in 2006-2007. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of the Purple Line Now, a mass transit advocacy group, and he serves on the Silver Spring Arts and Entertainment District Advisory Board and the Committee for Montgomery, a county-wide political advocacy organization.

Dr. Stewart and his wife, Leslie, reside in Silver Spring, MD.

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