Woody Wood Duck

Woody Wood Duck
Helping Out

Friday, March 25, 2011

Candidate: Dr. Ron Anderson

Vice President of Academic Affairs and CAO, Century College

Dr. Ron Anderson is the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Chief Academic Officer at Century College. His career in higher education spans 22 years, during which time he has served in senior leadership roles including chief academic officer, chief student affairs officer, and chief financial officer. Dr. Anderson has also taught applied statistics and psychology at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.

As Vice President of Academic Affairs, Dr. Anderson has successfully led numerous college-wide initiatives including the revision of the College’s mission, vision, and values–working closely with all constituent groups to obtain input and feedback throughout the development and adoption process. In partnership with Century College faculty, he also provided leadership to the development of core outcomes for all two-year degree graduates based on input and discussion across all faculty and staff within the College. Most recently, Dr. Anderson has provided leadership and direction to the College’s efforts to improve student success through the development and implementation of its Bridge to Success Program, a comprehensive program based on national promising practices and focusing on improving the experience and success of new entering students. During his tenure in this position, overall credit enrollment has grown 25% (including significant increases in the enrollment of underrepresented and underserved students), online enrollment has increased 99%, STEM enrollments have grown 28%, student success rates have improved, and numerous new and redesigned academic programs have been developed and launched.

Previous to his appointment as Vice President of Academic Affairs, Dr. Anderson held the position of Vice President and Chief Financial Officer at Century College. During his three years in that role he worked diligently to build transparency in budgeting and financial management, and to strengthen the financial health of the College. Under Dr. Anderson’s leadership, key investments in student success innovations, technology, and facility infrastructure were made, and the College’s financial position and fund balance was greatly strengthened. In recognition of this work, he was recently honored with an Outstanding Service Award from the Finance Division of the Office of the Chancellor.

Prior to joining Century College, Dr. Anderson served as Vice Provost and later Vice President of Curriculum, Assessment, and Academic Records at Capella University. While at Capella, he led the initial activities of an innovative collaboration between the University and Augsburg College, through which Augsburg College faculty partnered with Capella to design, build, and deliver a general education program appropriate to the University’s competency-based baccalaureate programs for working adult students. As a result of this partnership, Capella received approval by the Higher Learning Commission to provide full baccalaureate programs.

From 1994 to 2003, Dr. Anderson served at Minneapolis Community and Technical College in progressively responsible positions. Originally appointed as the Director of Research at Minneapolis Community College, he moved to the position of Director of Research and Planning upon consolidation of Minneapolis Community College and Minneapolis Technical College. Dr. Anderson was subsequently appointed Associate Academic Dean, Academic Dean, and finally Associate Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs.
Dr. Anderson holds a doctorate in Educational Psychology with an emphasis in psychometrics and educational evaluation, and a master’s degree in Higher Education–both from the University of Minnesota. He earned his bachelor of arts degree in Psychology from Saint Olaf College, in Northfield, Minnesota. In addition, Dr. Anderson is a graduate of the League of Innovation’s Executive Leadership Institute – Class of

As an active community member, Dr. Anderson has served in leadership roles on his local neighborhood association and has held several leadership roles within his church (including congregational president, audit committee member, and worship leader). Professionally, he has worked to involve the institutions he serves with their local communities through the establishment of active partnerships and board service. Dr. Anderson currently serves on the Tubman Board of Directors, the NorthStar STEM Alliance Governing Board, and the Mounds View School District Curriculum Advisory Committee.

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