Woody Wood Duck

Woody Wood Duck
Helping Out

Friday, May 13, 2011

Suspension and Probation at Century

Dear Woody,
I am worried.  I think I may be suspended at the end of this semester.  What do I do?

Dear Worried: 

If you are already on probation and did not complete your spring classes with a cumulative GPA of 2.00 and a cumulative completion rate of 67% then you will be suspended. There are two types of suspensions:  Academic suspension: which prevents you from attending Century; and financial aid suspension which prevents you from receiving any type of financial aid: grants, loans or work study. 

When you are suspended from the attending the college you have two choices:
1.      Serve your suspension. If this is your first suspension, you need to sit out one semester; if this is your second suspension, you are required to sit out two semesters. Before returning to college, you are required to attend a re-admission session to create your academic plan and obtain a re-admit form by the required deadline.
2.      Appeal your suspension based on extenuating circumstances. The College believes that students are responsible for their own academic progress and for seeking assistance when experiencing academic difficulty. However, occasionally a student’s failure to make satisfactory academic progress is due to extenuating circumstances; therefore, we have developed an appeal process for these situations.  You will receive a suspension letter by mail that will explain the dates and times to appeal along with the appeal process. 
If you also received a letter of suspension from financial aid you have two choices:
  1. Appeal your suspension based on extenuating circumstances. Follow the appeals process outlined in your suspension letter.
  2. If there are no extenuating circumstances, it is recommended that you pay for one term and show academic progress of 2.5 GPA and 100% completion rate for the term.
More information about suspension is available here: http://www.century.edu/currentstudents/counseling/acadprobsusp.aspx

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