Woody Wood Duck

Woody Wood Duck
Helping Out

Friday, January 28, 2011

Latest news from auxiliary enterprises for the next run of bulletins

From the Campus Bookstore:

Year-Round On-Line buy back

Did you know that now you can sell back your textbooks on-line?  The Campus Bookstore has partnered with MBS Books to give you the opportunity to sell back your textbooks any time day or night all year round!  Simply follow the link below, read all instructions carefully, and enter required information.  The web page will then tell you how much your books are worth, and will provide you with printable shipping labels.  Print the label, package the books per their instructions, attach the label, and bring to your nearest UPS store, free of charge.  In a couple of weeks, if everything is in order, you will receive a check from MBS books!  Keep in mind that this service is provided by MBS books, so if you experience any problems with the process, you will need to address them with MBS, not the Campus Bookstore.  This is just a way we are trying to help you maximize your opportunity to sell back your books.  The web page is here:

Rental Book Program:

Since we had so much success with the Rental Program last term, we have tripled the offering of rental books in  the campus bookstore.  It is our goal to steadily increase the Rental Book offering each term.  This will afford you a very cost effective alternative to buying your textbooks.    

Lancer Catering

Ethnic Day

Starting in February, every Tuesday will be ethnic day.  Lancer will serve a different ethnic dish every Tuesday.  When the month coincides with an observed history month, the menu will correspond accordingly.  February is African American History Month, so Tuesday’s dishes are planned accordingly.  If you have any suggestions for ethnic day, please don’t hesitate to send them to me via e-mail.  Have fun with it!  There is a limitless list of fun, great tasting ethnic food, and this will be an opportunity for you to share this experience!

Refillable mugs

Lancer now offers refillable mugs that, when purchased, will offer you a discount on refills, while cutting down on waste!  Visit either cafeteria to purchase one and take advantage of this great program!

Curt’s Vending

Office Supply machine

Curt’s Vending offers an assortment of office supplies in a machine on the East Campus in the row of machines on the Lower Level.  This is a service to you, so you can avoid a trip across the bridge to get a pen, batteries etc.  Check it out!

Issues with machines

If you experience difficulty with a vending machine you can stop by the Connection on West Campus, or Cosmetology on East Campus to report your problem with a particular machine, and possibly get a refund

Auxiliary Enterprises Committee Meeting

The next Auxiliary Enterprises Committee Meeting will be held on February 22, 2011 in Room W2320 if you would like the opportunity to hear the latest Auxiliary Enterprises information, or be heard on any issues you might have.

Auxiliary Enterprise consist of:

Campus Bookstore
Cafeterias/Coffee Shops
Vending Machines
Busy Bees Day Care
ATM machines

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Century Theatre Announces Auditions For The Seagull

The Seagull

Tues, 1/25/2011, 6:30-9:00 PM  OR
Sat., 1/29/2011, 10 – 11:30 AM
Callbacks: Sat. 1/29/2011, 12-3:30 PM
(You must reserve the callback audition time in your schedule. You may be asked to read again with additional actors.)
Students are invited to sign up in a 30 minute slot on the Theatre Callboard, lower level corridor outside the stage door 1050W, near the east end of the West Campus building. Students will read from the script provided.  No experience required!  
The Seagull by Anton Chekov: Century students and theatre professionals present this riveting portrait of a theatre family at the turn of the last century. Arkadina, mother and fading actress in her middle years, brings her novelist boyfriend, Trigorin, home to the country estate of her brother for a visit. Tensions erupt when Constantine, her grown son and an aspiring playwright, grows jealous over his mother’s attention to Trigorin, and Trigorin’s attention to Nina, whom Constantine loves. Nina is in love with the theatre and falls for the sophisticated author, Trigorin. Arkadina manages to keep Trigorin for herself (barely), but Trigorin persuades Nina to follow him to Moscow in secret. Two years later the company returns to the country. Constantine is still struggling for recognition and is still desperately in love with Nina. We learn that Trigorin left Nina after an affair. Nina had a baby that died and she achieved little success as an actress. She comes to the house like a lost “seagull” for a final rendezvous with Constantine and the home and people she used to love.
This emotionally charged exploration of lovers and artists is presented in an updated translation by Tom Stoppard (author of Shakespeare in Love,  Rock and Roll and many other plays and screenplays).
The Seagull performances are: April 15, 16, 22, 23 at 7:30 p.m. and April 17 at 2 p.m., in the Theatre, West Campus.
No experience is necessary to get involved! All  Century students, including students of color, and ELL speakers, are invited to audition. For more info, email Roberta Cullen, r.cullen@ century.edu or phone  651-779-3201. Thanks for your interest!

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Adult Learner Networking Group Presents: West Campus Walking Tour

Now that you have found your classrooms, do you feel like you are on a deserted island when it comes to finding the resources on campus that will make student life easier? Don't want to be a bother, or don't knowwho or even what to ask sometimes? Well, join the Skipper and First Mate on a forty minute "Three Level Tour" of the West campus. 

We will explre briefly, such treasures as quiet study locations, where  the GPS offices are, how to get those discounted tickets everyone is talking about, fitness facilities, and tutoring opportunities. We willreview what kind of assistance you can expect to receive in the computer,math, writing and reading centers; as well as answer all your pressing questions.
Island attire optional! 

Skipping supper or breakfast to attend?
No worries, scrumptious refreshments will be served.

Room W2270  |  For Details - jill.aitchison@century.edu ; 651-779-3437

Tour Departures:
(45 minute west campus highlights) 
Thursday, January 27th — 5pm and 5:45pm
Friday, January 28th —8:30am and 9:15am

Drop-in networking with fellow Adult Learners:
Thursday, January 27th 4:30pm — 7pm
Friday, January 28th 8am — 10:30am

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Century Offers Adult Students a “First-Year Experience” Opportunity

Adult students who attend Century College have the option of attending a 10-week “First-Year Experience” workshop series to help them build the skills and relationships that lead to success in college. The workshop sessions are 50 minutes long and are free for enrolled students.
Adult students who attended last semester’s workshops said the meetings on topics such as study skills, time management, learning styles, goal setting, stress reduction, money matters, diversity, wellness and academic planning were valuable. Some even used the terms “life saver” and “safe haven.”

“When I first came here, I was terrified of failure,” said student Jim Walgren. “I had been out of school for 37 years. But I was really motivated to further my education. Going after a college degree has always been a goal of mine. Now I am not just making it in college, I am excelling. It is gratifying to do that well. Attending the workshop meetings really helped.”

Ann Bell, who graduated from high school in 1972, said she had never used a computer before she enrolled at Century. After a series of life-changing losses, she decided to go to college to expand her opportunities in the job market. She found the technology not as hard as she expected, and now she is enjoying how technological tools can expand your world.

“I am writing papers on my computer and using email, chat rooms and drop boxes,” said Bell. “I am amazed at how far I have come.”

Scott Eggerth, who plans to go into law enforcement, said the First-Year Experience workshops help students “cut through the red tape.” Students who attend the weekly meetings learn strategies that help them navigate college successfully. They also make friends and support one another.

“Adult students need reassurance that college can be confusing, even chaotic, at first, but it gets better,” said Eggerth. “They need to know that it’s OK to talk to professors, because they want you to succeed.”

Commented Betsy Desmond, “It’s surprising how often we First-Year Experience students meet each other in the halls. Attending the meetings gives you a feeling of community, and an added sense of warmth.”

Jill Aitchison, the college’s Adult Learner Advocate who conducts the workshops, said she has seen adult students move from “despair to hope” as they gain new skills and connect with one another. “It takes courage and motivation to come to school as an adult,” said Aitchison. “These are some of the bravest people I know.”

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Welcome Week 2011

"Where in the World is Woody WoodDuck?"
Woody is off on an adventure and we are anxious to have him back home where he belongs at Century. Everyday's theme will be a clue as to where Woody is. On Friday will be the big day where Woody comes home and we reveal where he has spent his winter vacation!

Monday, January 10
Come and start your semester off right.....with a little luck :) We will have a psychic intuitive, wishing well, cookies, and the history of the "WoodDuck Kiss".
11am-1pm in the West Main Commons.

Tuesday, January 11
Come dance to the WoodDuck Beat. We will be heating up the west cafeteria with some belly dancing and henna tattoos. However, we will be cooling it down with some fresh fruit and smoothies.
11am- 1pm in the West Cafeteria.

Wednesday, January 12
Get out your binoculars and hiking shoes because we are taking you through a safari Century College Club style. At our annual student activities fair we will have tables to get information from anything from Intramurals to the Arabic Club to GPS LifePlan.
11am-1pm in the West Main Commons.

Thursday, January 13
Tu parle francais or WoodDuck? Still looking for Woody off traveling around the world. We will have a potato bar as well as caricature artists. This is also our annual vendor fair where organizations such as UPS, Qwest and Wells Fargo will be participating.
11am-1pm in the Lincoln Mall.

Friday, January 14
He's Home! Come celebrate Woody's Homecoming with the music of Shawn Vaughan and all of the school spirit we can muster. We will have a prize contest for one of the people that guesses where Woody has been all week as well as hot dog meals for all. We will also unveil the new name of the new student center space to open at the end of the month. Voting for this has been open since last semester and will be available at all Welcome Week events.
11am- 1pm in the West Cafeteria.