Woody Wood Duck

Woody Wood Duck
Helping Out

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Century Theatre Announces Auditions For The Seagull

The Seagull

Tues, 1/25/2011, 6:30-9:00 PM  OR
Sat., 1/29/2011, 10 – 11:30 AM
Callbacks: Sat. 1/29/2011, 12-3:30 PM
(You must reserve the callback audition time in your schedule. You may be asked to read again with additional actors.)
Students are invited to sign up in a 30 minute slot on the Theatre Callboard, lower level corridor outside the stage door 1050W, near the east end of the West Campus building. Students will read from the script provided.  No experience required!  
The Seagull by Anton Chekov: Century students and theatre professionals present this riveting portrait of a theatre family at the turn of the last century. Arkadina, mother and fading actress in her middle years, brings her novelist boyfriend, Trigorin, home to the country estate of her brother for a visit. Tensions erupt when Constantine, her grown son and an aspiring playwright, grows jealous over his mother’s attention to Trigorin, and Trigorin’s attention to Nina, whom Constantine loves. Nina is in love with the theatre and falls for the sophisticated author, Trigorin. Arkadina manages to keep Trigorin for herself (barely), but Trigorin persuades Nina to follow him to Moscow in secret. Two years later the company returns to the country. Constantine is still struggling for recognition and is still desperately in love with Nina. We learn that Trigorin left Nina after an affair. Nina had a baby that died and she achieved little success as an actress. She comes to the house like a lost “seagull” for a final rendezvous with Constantine and the home and people she used to love.
This emotionally charged exploration of lovers and artists is presented in an updated translation by Tom Stoppard (author of Shakespeare in Love,  Rock and Roll and many other plays and screenplays).
The Seagull performances are: April 15, 16, 22, 23 at 7:30 p.m. and April 17 at 2 p.m., in the Theatre, West Campus.
No experience is necessary to get involved! All  Century students, including students of color, and ELL speakers, are invited to audition. For more info, email Roberta Cullen, r.cullen@ century.edu or phone  651-779-3201. Thanks for your interest!

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