Woody Wood Duck

Woody Wood Duck
Helping Out

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Please Verify Address-Action Required

We are writing to you today because we need your help.  Over the last year MnSCU has merged shared data into one core record for all of the colleges and universities.  You may notice that all of a sudden your address has changed, even if you haven’t moved recently.  It may even be from a time when you attended another MnSCU institution.  For this reason we are asking you to view and edit (if needed) your address information.

It is very important that you check your address(es) so that we have the most up-to-date information.
When the College sends postal information to you and you have more than one address type, we follow the following priority in choosing the address.  We send postal communications first to (1) your current local address and if there is no current local address, to (2) your permanent address.  (The majority of students have just one mailing address type and that address is entered as the permanent address.  The local address type is used for students who have moved to the area to attend the college.)

It is your responsibility to keep your address current.  In an effort to serve you better, every term we ask that you view and edit (if needed) your address(es) online.  To view and edit your address(es) go to: http://www.century.edu/currentstudents/records/updatepersonalinfo.aspx and follow the instructions for Address Changes.  Please review and make changes as needed in the next 7 days.

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