Woody Wood Duck

Woody Wood Duck
Helping Out

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Century Offers Adult Students a “First-Year Experience” Opportunity

Adult students who attend Century College have the option of attending a 10-week “First-Year Experience” workshop series to help them build the skills and relationships that lead to success in college. The workshop sessions are 50 minutes long and are free for enrolled students.
Adult students who attended last semester’s workshops said the meetings on topics such as study skills, time management, learning styles, goal setting, stress reduction, money matters, diversity, wellness and academic planning were valuable. Some even used the terms “life saver” and “safe haven.”

“When I first came here, I was terrified of failure,” said student Jim Walgren. “I had been out of school for 37 years. But I was really motivated to further my education. Going after a college degree has always been a goal of mine. Now I am not just making it in college, I am excelling. It is gratifying to do that well. Attending the workshop meetings really helped.”

Ann Bell, who graduated from high school in 1972, said she had never used a computer before she enrolled at Century. After a series of life-changing losses, she decided to go to college to expand her opportunities in the job market. She found the technology not as hard as she expected, and now she is enjoying how technological tools can expand your world.

“I am writing papers on my computer and using email, chat rooms and drop boxes,” said Bell. “I am amazed at how far I have come.”

Scott Eggerth, who plans to go into law enforcement, said the First-Year Experience workshops help students “cut through the red tape.” Students who attend the weekly meetings learn strategies that help them navigate college successfully. They also make friends and support one another.

“Adult students need reassurance that college can be confusing, even chaotic, at first, but it gets better,” said Eggerth. “They need to know that it’s OK to talk to professors, because they want you to succeed.”

Commented Betsy Desmond, “It’s surprising how often we First-Year Experience students meet each other in the halls. Attending the meetings gives you a feeling of community, and an added sense of warmth.”

Jill Aitchison, the college’s Adult Learner Advocate who conducts the workshops, said she has seen adult students move from “despair to hope” as they gain new skills and connect with one another. “It takes courage and motivation to come to school as an adult,” said Aitchison. “These are some of the bravest people I know.”

1 comment:

  1. For all new students – did you know it’s not too late to join a FYE (First Year Experience) Cohort?
    Available times are:

    • Green/Mondays/12:05-12:55/Room 2270
    • Orange/Tuesdays/1:10-2:00/Room 3480 (geared - but not limited to – Adult Learners)
    • Blue/Wednesdays/1:10-2:00/Room 2270
    • Yellow/Wednesdays/4:30-5:20/Room 2270 (geared - but not limited to – Adult Learners)
    • Red/Thursday/9:55-10:45/Room2270
    • Purple/Thursdays/11:00-11:50/Room 2270

    For more details, contact Jill Aitchison at 651-779-3437 or jill.aitchison@century.edu.
