Woody Wood Duck

Woody Wood Duck
Helping Out

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Welcome Week 2011

"Where in the World is Woody WoodDuck?"
Woody is off on an adventure and we are anxious to have him back home where he belongs at Century. Everyday's theme will be a clue as to where Woody is. On Friday will be the big day where Woody comes home and we reveal where he has spent his winter vacation!

Monday, January 10
Come and start your semester off right.....with a little luck :) We will have a psychic intuitive, wishing well, cookies, and the history of the "WoodDuck Kiss".
11am-1pm in the West Main Commons.

Tuesday, January 11
Come dance to the WoodDuck Beat. We will be heating up the west cafeteria with some belly dancing and henna tattoos. However, we will be cooling it down with some fresh fruit and smoothies.
11am- 1pm in the West Cafeteria.

Wednesday, January 12
Get out your binoculars and hiking shoes because we are taking you through a safari Century College Club style. At our annual student activities fair we will have tables to get information from anything from Intramurals to the Arabic Club to GPS LifePlan.
11am-1pm in the West Main Commons.

Thursday, January 13
Tu parle francais or WoodDuck? Still looking for Woody off traveling around the world. We will have a potato bar as well as caricature artists. This is also our annual vendor fair where organizations such as UPS, Qwest and Wells Fargo will be participating.
11am-1pm in the Lincoln Mall.

Friday, January 14
He's Home! Come celebrate Woody's Homecoming with the music of Shawn Vaughan and all of the school spirit we can muster. We will have a prize contest for one of the people that guesses where Woody has been all week as well as hot dog meals for all. We will also unveil the new name of the new student center space to open at the end of the month. Voting for this has been open since last semester and will be available at all Welcome Week events.
11am- 1pm in the West Cafeteria.

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