Woody Wood Duck

Woody Wood Duck
Helping Out

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Adult Learner Networking Group Presents: West Campus Walking Tour

Now that you have found your classrooms, do you feel like you are on a deserted island when it comes to finding the resources on campus that will make student life easier? Don't want to be a bother, or don't knowwho or even what to ask sometimes? Well, join the Skipper and First Mate on a forty minute "Three Level Tour" of the West campus. 

We will explre briefly, such treasures as quiet study locations, where  the GPS offices are, how to get those discounted tickets everyone is talking about, fitness facilities, and tutoring opportunities. We willreview what kind of assistance you can expect to receive in the computer,math, writing and reading centers; as well as answer all your pressing questions.
Island attire optional! 

Skipping supper or breakfast to attend?
No worries, scrumptious refreshments will be served.

Room W2270  |  For Details - jill.aitchison@century.edu ; 651-779-3437

Tour Departures:
(45 minute west campus highlights) 
Thursday, January 27th — 5pm and 5:45pm
Friday, January 28th —8:30am and 9:15am

Drop-in networking with fellow Adult Learners:
Thursday, January 27th 4:30pm — 7pm
Friday, January 28th 8am — 10:30am

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